Episode 2.09 transcript - “A Damaged old man”
ADAM RAYMONDA: Windfall is intended for a mature audiences, see our show notes for more information. Listener discretion is advised.
[SFX: An elevator door opens slowly.]
ELEVATOR RECORDING: Welcome to the surface, Officer Vivienne.
[SFX: Vivienne steps off the elevator and begins to walk away. in the distance we hear:]
ELEVATOR RECORDING: This area has been registered as 'Decommissioned and Unsafe' due to recent reports of violence and theft. You may wish to return to your station on the 98th floor.
[SFX: the sound of the elevator recording fades as Vivienne continues to walk.]
VIVIENNE: (muttering) Swear to Wanda, what have I gotten myself into… Completely abandoned shack... check.
[SFX: Vivienne knocks on the door three times, heavily.]
KENDALL: (muffled) When the sea is pink and the sky is red...
VIVIENNE: They usher in the moon's ascent.
[SFX: The door opens and viv enters calmly. we switch to:]
VIVIENNE: (sarcastic) Lovely poem.
KENDALL: Thanks. It's a Cas original.
CAS: There's not a lot to do on guard duty.
VIVIENNE: Right… Are those Wolfpac robes?
CAS: What do you think? They look just as legit as yours. Scavenging is a hell of a lot easier now.
VIVIENNE: No helmets, though. Sort of essential...
KENDALL: We can only do so much. Now, before we go any farther, tell us that Argus is safe?
VIVIENNE: Last I checked he was still alive, but I suggest you bring me home quickly, as circumstances have changed a bit.
CAS: What does that mean?
VIVIENNE: It means take me to your leader. Now.
[SFX: Viv starts walking, but Cas stops her.]
VIVIENNE: What's this?
KENDALL: Blindfold. Sorry, but we don't trust you quite yet.
[SFX: Cas rips out a strip of rag and ties it around her head.]
VIVIENNE: Whatever you need.
KENDALL: It's not far.
[SFX: Kendall opens the doors to the sewer and all three descend down the ladder. Transition music moves us through the sounds of the three proceeding in silence.]
ISAAC: I came around slowly, something was heavy across my chest, something wet on my cheek. I was lying awkwardly on a soft, but cold, surface. I focused on moving one tentacle, and then the next, every inch of my body hurt, but I was undeniably alive. I heard someone crying, it was the only other noise in the room besides my own labored breath. I tried to call out to comfort them, but found myself unable to draw enough air to speak, so I just lay there, and gradually the crying subsided, shifted into song, the old book, Meem's lament, "Oh how I cry for you lost to the sands, those swirling summer storms, my breath it draws upon the winds to guide from foreign lands, for you my friend are gone it seems, to me, from life, too fast, but I shall spend my days in hope you'll find your way at last." I hadn't heard that song since school, and now suddenly every word, every line came rushing back-
[SFX: Isaac falters as Mila enters the room. A short silence follows.]
MILA: Oh, please, don't stop just because I'm here.
ISAAC: That's alright, I was just finishing up anyways. Sorry to distract you all from your work.
HENCHMAN #1: Come on, just tell us what you were laying on!
MILA: (challenging) Yes, go on. Let's hear it.
ISAAC: Proximans. Dead Proximans.
HENCHMAN #1: Wanda's hat!
CADE: These humans... They're evil.
MILA: It's a good thing I got you out of there, dad.
ISAAC: You have no idea the horrors Argus and I went through in that work camp.
CADE: I knew it was bad in there, but I had no idea...
ISAAC: The humans, they treated us like animals.
HENCHMAN #1: But how can they be stopped?
[SFX: Mila turns on her heel and marches out of the room. The conversation fades as she leaves.]
ISAAC: I don't know, but they must be stopped before they enslave us all.
CADE: Is that what they're after?
ISAAC: I have no doubt.
[SFX: Fade out.]
[SFX: Benny sits in a chair, tapping his fingers, before standing and pacing back and forth quickly.]
WANDA: (faraway, through the door) Benjamin? Is that you?
BENNY: ...How'd you know?
WANDA: You're always so antsy, like you've got bugs in your bum.
ROOT: That is... not an image I was looking to have this morning.
WANDA: Shush. Can't you see that something is bothering the boy?
ROOT: I can't see anything. Neither can you. He's on the other side of the door. Am I insane? Do you have x-ray vision?
BENNY: (ignoring Root) Oh, it's nothing.
[SFX: Wanda rattles with the doorknob, trying to open it.]
WANDA: Why don't you open this door so we can talk about it?
BENNY: I don't know... if Cas knew I was letting you walk around unsupervised he'd wring my neck.
WANDA: It's not like we'd have anywhere to go. You lot certainly haven't given us a chance to get our bearings here.
ROOT: (defeated) She's right, unfortunately. Even if we did escape, someone would have us back in this infernal room in seconds flat.
BENNY: (chuckling) You're probably right.
[SFX: Benny rustles around on his belt with a set of keys before removing a heavy padlock and opening the door.]
WANDA: There, I can see your face now. Much better. What troubles you my little nervous nelly?
BENNY: I just... when you were still Queen.
WANDA: I am still Queen. Thank you very much, but please, continue.
BENNY: Yes, of course, I mean. Before Contact Day. How'd you do it? How'd you make decisions that affected so many people without going insane?
ROOT: This one? Quite willy nilly, if you'd believe it.
WANDA: Hush, you. The boy seeks counsel… What kinda decision are we talking here?
BENNY: A hard one. One that'll be unpopular, but one that's gonna keep a lot of good people from getting hurt.
WANDA: The answer is a simple one: don't tell them. Make the best decision for them possible. You'll know in your heart that you did the right thing.
ROOT: Oh? Is that always how it worked out for you, your majesty?
WANDA: (ignoring him) Why don't you tell me more about this?
ROOT: Yes, it's not going to put either of us into danger, is it?
BENNY: No, they don't even know you're here.
WANDA: They? Who are they?
BENNY: (distant) Nobody. Don't worry about it. Forget that I even asked.
ROOT: I swear, if I'm killed for this, I'll haunt you for the rest of my days.
WANDA: Never mind him. This sad Bing-bong is all snarl and tail swish. He couldn't kill a muckfly if he even tried.
ROOT: Bing Bong?!
[SFX: Benny laughs while root grumbles to himself.]
BENNY: Thanks, Wanda. I can't believe I'm saying this, but that really helped.
WANDA: (proud) I'm glad. See, Root? They don't all hate me. Some of them still want to hear what I have to say.
ROOT: I wouldn't get used to it, if I were you.
BENNY: He's right. Most of my friends would be happier if they never saw you again.
WANDA: Well, then. I see unnecessary candor has made a return.
BENNY: Seriously, thank you. But now I've gotta lock you back in. My shift's up soon and if they knew I opened this door without being told...
WANDA: Say no more, Benny. I'll just go back to my cot -- excuse me, I mean giant bag of rice that you've given me for sleep, and I'll just pull this silk sheet over myself- oh- wrong again- this homespun gillysack, which is- what is this, a 2 thread count?
[SFX: While Wanda is fussing, Benny shuts the door and locks it again. He sits down, begins drumming his fingers. A few moments later, three sets of footsteps approach.]
BENNY: (standing, surprised) Cas, Kendall.
BENNY: Who's your friend?
CAS: A new cellmate for these two. Can you open the door for us?
VIVIENNE: Now wait a damn minute, cell mate? What the hell is this?
KENDALL: (quietly, face to face) It's just a formality.
VIVIENNE: This is some bull shit, and you know it.
[SFX: Benny unlocks the padlock and opens the door.]
WANDA: Aaand another thing- what am I wearing- oh- hello all.
VIVIENNE: No fucking way. You have the Queen?
ROOT: (exasperated) Vivienne. How nice of you to drop in. And unarmed I see? How helpful.
KENDALL: Listen, just stick around with these two for a little bit.
CAS: As soon as we've talked to the Council, we'll get you out. We promise.
VIVIENNE: You have the Queen?!
KENDALL: (sighs) Yes, yes. She's honestly more annoying than anything. You'll see.
WANDA: I'm right here.
[SFX: They close the door behind Viv and lock the heavy padlock.]
CAS: Benny, I know your shift is up, but I need you to stay for a little longer.
BENNY: Who, me? Need sleep? Never.
KENDALL: Benny. This is serious.
BENNY: I'm only kiddin'.
KENDALL: Now Viv, here's your chance to prove we should let you out of that cell. Where's Argus?
VIVIENNE: I'm sorry, I'm having a really hard time focusing because you have the fucking Queen.
ROOT: As well as the formidable Captain Root...
VIVIENNE: I didn't even know she was missing... For how long?
BENNY: It feels like ages.
ROOT: ...and ages.
CAS: Come on, I need you to snap out of it and tell us where Argus is.
VIVIENNE: Okay, okay, but before I tell you, just know that if you'd brought me down here even a couple days earlier, this all could have been avoided.
KENDALL: (icy) What?
VIVIENNE: Argus is with a woman named Mila. She's some kind of ground-level smuggler with ties to the humans.
CAS: What?
VIVIENNE: Apparently she made a deal with someone at the top because they released him and another inmate into her custody a few days ago.
CAS: Fuck!
KENDALL: You said he was still alive!
VIVIENNE: As far as I know he is!
CAS: I don't like this, Kendall.
KENDALL: Fucking Mila.
[SFX: Transition music ramps up as Cas and Kendall walk away and Benny sits, resuming his chair drumming.]
[SFX: Isaac shuffles a deck of cards, smacking them on the table three times before passing them out.]
ISAAC: C'mon kid, let's play a hand.
ARGUS: (withdrawn) What's the point?
ISAAC: There isn't one. Just trying to help pass the time.
ARGUS: Why should I get to pass the time, when Oz and Tuck are dead? I started the revolt. Why kill them and not me?
ISAAC: There's no use in talkin' like that, Argus.
ARGUS: But it's the truth.
ISAAC: Plenty of people in that camp were fed up. If you hadn't spoken up, it'd have been somebody else. People would've fought back eventually.
ARGUS: (mumbles) At least their deaths would be on somebody else's shoulders instead of mine.
ISAAC: I don't want to hear another word of it. The actions of those monsters don't reflect back on you.
ARGUS: What about Mila?
ISAAC: What do you mean, what about Mila?
ARGUS: How'd she get us out? How does she have all this?
ISAAC: (tired) You don't want to know.
ARGUS: (desperate) You and I both know the humans are sick... Maybe if we could convince her to come with us, we could fight back and free the rest of them. Maybe their deaths wouldn't have to be in vain...
ISAAC: Look, kid, I know you're feeling full of piss and vinegar, and it's admirable, but we've got bigger things to worry about than that.
ARGUS: (frustrated) I'm fine. I can take care of myself.
ISAAC: You so sure about that? When you got back, you could barely walk. And you still haven't even told me what they did to you...
ARGUS: They said it was something about us. How we're made, that keeps us from getting sick. They wanted to see if they could take it for themselves.
ISAAC: Take it?
ARGUS: Something in our spinal fluid. I was under for... who knows how long. It must've fucked up my nerves, but I'm getting better, Isaac. I promise.
ISAAC: And you're sitting here trying to tell me that you've got it in you to bring the fight to them?
ARGUS: (angry) Fuck yes, I am. Somebody's got to, why not us? Avenge all the people they hurt. Besides, if anybody knows how to kick their asses, it's you.
ISAAC: I'm afraid my fighting days are over, kid.
ARGUS: Don't say that.
ISAAC: (suddenly serious) This isn't up for discussion. We stay here. Lay low. Make sure you're okay and focus on keeping our heads on our shoulders. Before we do anything else.
ARGUS: You're not going to be able to keep me here forever...
ISAAC: Maybe not, but you're here now. And we're not going anywhere.
[SFX: Isaac puts down the deck of cards and stands.]
ARGUS: Where do you think you're you going? This conversation isn't over.
ISAAC: I need to talk to my daughter. Alone. We can continue this later when you've calmed down.
[SFX: Isaac leaves the room. Transition music ends the scene.]
[SFX: We're coming in mid-conversation. Things are tense.]
GERT: What?!
SHAMIA: This has to be a trap right?
CAS: I know. That's what I said too.
LEBOOF: I apologize for showing my ignorance here, but who's this Mila character?
WILLEM: (dead serious) Somebody you don't wanna cross paths with.
CAS: Somebody who secretes ice instead of-
LEBOOF: -well that's charmingly visual, I believe I've got the point.
GERT: How do you propose we do it?
KENDALL: Vivienne has some intel on the compound layout-
LEBOOF: -No, I vote no, there are too many variables. Trust someone we don't trust, invade a dangerous person's domicile, endanger our anonymity and community- all for one measly person!
WILLEM: One person who is their family, Claxon.
CAS: This isn't a discussion about whether or not we mount a recovery mission. That decision is made.
LEBOOF: Why are you even here? This isn't your place, you're not on the council.
SHAMIA: No, but I am, and Gert is, and Cas is right: this isn't a discussion of if we do this, it's a discussion of how.
GERT: I'm sorry Claxon, but they're right. This is happening.
WILLEM: Then let's figure out the logistics.
LEBOOF: You're making an absolute mockery out of this Council. What say you Pavlima, is this not a gross overstep of our by-laws-
PAVLIMA: I don't know Claxon, it sounds like you'd be outvoted anyway.
[SFX: Pav pushes her chair out and stands.
PAVLIMA: If you'll excuse me, I have something to attend to.
[SFX: Pav walks from the room and the chatter rises.
LEBOOF: This is truly outrageous-
[SFX: A map is rolled out on the table.]
CAS: Warehouse 298 is Mila's compound.
LEBOOF: Oh she's taken over the old Tungblat factory-
WILLEM: Smart-
LEBOOF: My father worked there when I was a boy-
KENDALL: I should go check on Pav-
GERT: I was just thinking the same thing. Help them with the plan, this is time sensitive. I'll go see if I can find out what's going on.
KENDALL: Thanks, Gert.
GERT: No honey, thank you. You're bringing my boy back.
[SFX: Transition music plays as Gert leaves the room.]
[SFX: Pav is working her sewing machine and muttering under her breath. The door opens and closes behind her.]
GERT: Want to explain that quick exit?
PAVLIMA: (stopping sewing) Wanda, Gertie. You scared me.
GERT: Well?
PAVLIMA: I just needed to get out of there.
[SFX: Gertie walks over to the desk and sits beside her.]
GERT: We live in scary times, Pav. It's normal to worry about those we love.
PAVLIMA: I know how much you want Argus back, but this... it's sending them right into the belly of the beast.
GERT: Everyone knows what they're getting into.
PAVLIMA: But Kendall, Cas, Shaima...they're alive. They're with us right now, and we could lose them all just for the chance to save Argus? I know it must be done, but I can't pretend I'm not terrified, and I won't lie to disguise it. I don't want to lose any of them.
GERT: And neither do I! I'm scared too.
PAVLIMA: (pause) I'm just sick of being the one who sits at home waiting. Waiting for bad news. I want to do something!
GERT: You are! You're doing more than you realize. The robes, the council... Just because it's not dangerous work doesn't make it unimportant. Leave the fighting to the "heroes". We're down here making a difference every single day. You can't diminish that.
PAVLIMA: I suppose you're right. But just once it would be nice not to be the one left behind.
GERT: Now you're just fishing for compliments.
PAVLIMA: (laughing) Fine, but Gertie do me a favor.
GERT: Anything.
PAVLIMA: Please don't tell me any of their ridiculously dangerous plan. I think I'm better off pretending that none of this is happening at all.
GERT: We all cope in our own ways. I'll leave you to it.
[SFX: Pav turns on some music and goes back to sewing as gert leaves the room. Transition music ends the scene.]
[SFX: Sprinklers spray intermittently as Helina struggles, pulling root vegetables out of the soil. Cas approaches.]
CAS: Hey you.
HELINA: (stopping) Hey stranger.
[SFX: Helina stops what she's doing, brushing her hands off on her pants. she gives cas a hug and a quick kiss.]
CAS: Yeah, I'm sorry it's been a minute. It's just… We might've found Argus.
HELINA: (excited) That's amazing news! Where is he??
CAS: That's the bad part.
HELINA: Tell me he's not...
CAS: No, no, it's nothing like that. He's okay. He's just with Isaac. And Mila.
[SFX: Helina abruptly goes back to her work, grimacing as she pulls more and more root vegetables from the soil.]
CAS: I know I just got back, but I promise you, after this, I'll take a break. We're doing mostly okay on supplies for now. And once he's home, I'll be here. For you.
HELINA: You can't be serious, can you? You're gonna what? Just walk up to Mila's front door and say "Pretty Please give me my baby brother back?"
CAS: No, of course not. We've got Wolfpac robes. No helmets, but Benny's helping us rig up something that'll work until we get our hands on some.
HELINA: I'm coming with you.
CAS: No, you're not. We'll have Shaima and Vivienne with us, and enough of Vern's guns to blow a hole in the place. We'll be fine. I promise.
HELINA: Cas, I have so much rage inside me. I know you think you it was right, stopping me from killing her, but now it's just more pent up than ever before. Let me let it out. For you.
CAS: You know that I can't do that.
HELINA: Why, because Gert won't let you?
CAS: She isn't the only one that's worried about you, you know. And besides, it wouldn't be for me. It'd be for you. And that's what scares me most.
HELINA: (laughing, cheerful, yet scary) Would you all just get off of my ass? I'm fine. That night was a slip up. I haven't had a drink since. Okay?
CAS: (deep breath) I wish you wouldn't lie to me.
HELINA: Bringing Wanda down here, it's brought up a lot of shit. I thought maybe I could use that energy to help you. But you don't want my help. It's starting to seem like nobody does anymore.
CAS: What the hell's that supposed to mean?
HELINA: No, you know what? Just get out. You're not listening to me. Gert certainly hasn't been either. You're all just gonna do whatever you want. Maybe it's time I do the same thing.
CAS: And what would that be?
HELINA: (stopping, letting out a sigh) I don't know, Cas… Just go, okay? I want to be alone.
CAS: Will you come up to bed soon? We're heading out pretty early.
HELINA: Not tonight.
CAS: Okay...
[SFX: Cas walks silently away. melancholy music plays. Helina keeps working and sobs quietly.]
[SFX: Mila stands by a table with Cade and Swift. A low fan hums, when suddenly, the door swings open and Isaac strides in.]
ISAAC: Would you look at that - Mila, Swift, Cade - the gang's all here! Where was my invite?
MILA: Thought you might have your hands full babysitting.
ISAAC: (ignoring her comment) What's all this? Why the master plan? I've seen the kind of artillery you have back there. Just walk right in the front door.
CADE: (reverent) I thought the same thing, sir.
SWIFT: You see, this will ensure-
ISAAC: No one is talking to you.
SWIFT: Right.
MILA: Hey! You have no right to talk to my people that way.
ISAAC: It wasn't that long ago they were my people. You'd do well to remember that, daughter.
MILA: You've been away for quite some time, as I keep trying to tell you. Things have changed around here. The reason for all of this planning is because I happen to know firsthand that Vernon stashed away enough firepower to arm that whole warehouse before he died.
ISAAC: He what?
CADE: You don't know? She took Vernon out after Cas turned you in, boss. An eye for an eye.
ISAAC: (shocked) You?
MILA: It had to be done. Cas and Kendall made us look weak. You were always threatening and never acting. I did what you'd been promising to do for the past five years.
ISAAC: But...the kid...how am I supposed to tell him?
MILA: Go ahead and tell him the truth. But make sure you start from the beginning and tell him the bit about his parents too. He'll love that part.
ISAAC: You have no idea what you're talking about, as always.
MILA: You don't think mom told me what you did! How you sold out everyone around you! Even your first wife! You're such a hypocrite, I can barely stand to look at you.
ISAAC: Wanda-damnit! I have plenty of sins to answer for, you don't think I know that? But Vern...and this deal with the humans...it's madness.
[SFX: There's a brief beat of silence as the fan whirs. The music intensifies.]
CADE: ...a deal with who?
ISAAC: Oh, you don't know?
CADE: (shocked) All of our drops go through an intermediary...
SWIFT: Perhaps it's best we let these two have a private family conversation, Cade.
ISAAC: So you knew? Of course you knew. Everyone always said you were a snake, Swift.
MILA: No one is going anywhere.
CADE: Mila, is he telling the truth?
MILA: I just...I didn't tell you for your own good, Cade. The humans...they're ruthless. I knew that I had to be the one with blood on my hands.
CADE: (incredulous) You're saying you lied to protect me?
MILA: No! I mean, yes. I was in a bind! After the towers came down, it was either be sent to the work camps or find a way to be so useful the humans would leave us alone.
CADE: (disgusted) So you got into bed with them?
MILA: Would you have preferred to be in a work camp, then? Like my dad? You heard his story. I saved us from that fate!
CADE: I just-
MILA: Tell me I did the wrong thing, Cade. Say it!
CADE: I don't know what to think.
SWIFT: She made the hard decisions to keep us all safe. You would have done the same thing.
MILA: I shouldn't have kept it from you, but now you know, so tell me, are you in or out?
ISAAC: Don't let her bully you into this, Cade. I know you're too smart to fall for it.
CADE: (big sigh) I'm in.
MILA: (exalting) I knew I could count on you!
ISAAC: (grim) Look at what you've done. Look at what you're going to do.
MILA: I'm just a mirror image of you, dad, so take a good look. Like what you see?
ISAAC: I've never been so ashamed of myself in my life. I did this to you. I created a monster in you.
MILA: (quiet fury) My whole life I did everything you wanted. I let you mold me into the person I thought you wanted me to be, and now that I'm stepping up to claim my inheritance you turn your back on me. I don't care what you want anymore. I'm surpassing you in every way. Ascending in a way you never could because you were too weak, but I... I was never allowed a moment of weakness by you.
ISAAC: I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything I put you through.
MILA: It's a little too late for apologies, dad. Now, I have some things to attend to. Swift?
MILA: I'll need you to keep my father and the boy under lock and key until I return. I want them isolated from the rest of the men.
SWIFT: I thought you might need me to handle Benny-
MILA: Cade and I have it covered. You're of more use to me here.
SWIFT: Understood.
MILA: We'll pick this back up later, dad. It sounds like you have a lot to think about while you wait… Let's go, Cade.