Episode transcript - “Confessions With Klem: ROGER”
[SFX: The curtain to the confession opens and closes again as Caitlin sits.]
ROGER: (Sighs) Forgive Me father for I have sinned it’s be
FR. KLEM: Roger! You Arschgeige! The nerve you have to show up here!
ROGER: I know, father.
FR. KLEM: You absolute Kotzbrocken! To punch a holy man, to harass those women.
ROGER: Well yes… that’s why I’m here.
FR. KLEM: Well!... Good, that makes sense. First sensible thing I’ve seen you do in weeks you arsch mit ohren.
ROGER: What does that one mean?
FR. KLEM: I called you a “butt with ears”. Any objections?
ROGER: I mean I don’t think it’s very appropriate for a confessional…
FR. KLEM: (Interrupting) None? Excellent. What would you like to confess?
ROGER: I hit the priest.
FR. KLEM: You certainly did. What else?
ROGER: I was rude to those horrible women…
FR. KLEM: And I see you haven’t learned a thing.
ROGER: What?! They are horrible.
FR. KLEM: So you’ve said. Very Christlike of you as always Roger.
ROGER: When did they get to you too father? We always respected you!
FR. KLEM: Who? Father Ben? Ha! My boy I haven’t changed a wink in 30 years, meanwhile I’ve watched your head inch further and further up your own ass every Sunday in the same amount of time.
ROGER: You little piece of..
FR. KLEM: He hits a priest and comes back the next day to curse out another… that sounds like an open and shut case of excommunication to me.
ROGER: You wouldn’t…
FR. KLEM: Do I seem like the type of person who really has much to lose? I’m kicking the bucket someday and I might as well leave this community with a little less hate in it.
ROGER: (inhales sharply, defensively) Alright! (Calmly, putting on a air of control) alright… listen, Father Klem, I apologize for my… impassioned tone.
FR. KLEM: That’s a good man. So you were saying you're sorry for hitting Benji and for being cruel to those kind women.
ROGER: Well I… yes I am sorry about that.
FR. KLEM: And you certainly feel sorry for your treatment of this community as a whole, running your little witch trial… don’t you?
FR. KLEM: And in particular you must feel awful about your abuse of the Walters family and young Emily in particular?
ROGER: (white knuckling it) I do.
FR. KLEM: To the point, I assume you agree.
ROGER: With what?
FR. KLEM: That you are a butt with ears.
ROGER: What?
FR. KLEM: Say it. Say you are a butt with ears.
ROGER: I will not!
FR. KLEM: Say it you Admiralness!!
ROGER: I… am a butt…(sighs) with ears.
FR. KLEM: Very good. Now for penance.
ROGER: That wasn’t penance?
FR. KLEM: I wouldn’t say so.
ROGER: What then?
FR. KLEM: I think for a unique man like you we need a unique penance. I know you’re planning things Roger Alito… you and that little club of yours. And you’re going to just… fill me in.
ROGER: Are you blackmailing me into being an informant for you and Ben in my armada?
FR. KLEM: Oh no, not Benji, he’s far too gentle to handle an arrangement like this. I think we can keep this between us. Oh and yes, I’m obviously blackmailing you… a little slow on the uptake there, eh Rog?
ROGER: You’re unbelievable.
FR. KLEM: But we have a deal, (sweetly) don’t we?
ROGER: Yes of course.
FR. KLEM: Wonderful! Let’s say that little prayer of absolution and get you on your way. I know you have a conference call with the Bishop later this week and I can’t wait to hear all about it.
ROGER: (Sighs) fine.