ADAM RAYMONDA: Hey Everybody! Adam here to give you a little update on the status of Forgive Me! Right now, we are just about ready to wrap up editing on our thirteen new episode scripts and move into pre-production on the season. This story is going to be bigger and better than ever, with a ton of new faces that we are extremely excited to introduce you to. In the meantime, we’d like to introduce you to our friends over in The Vanishing Act.

In 1699, at the premiere of his newest masterpiece, renowned stage magician Jean Jacquline Lemarque caused the 2nd or 3rd greatest disappearance-related theatrical tragedy in history… 

In 1932, a prickly German theater artist, an American conman, and an unfortunately-named mechanical engineer globetrot from Berlin to Paris to Hollywood, encountering artistic geniuses, secret societies, and plagiarists in an attempt to unfold the mystery of Lemarque’s Vanishing Act... or at the very least avoid doing any actual work. 

A farce, a heist, a con, a murder mystery, and a disappearing act all at once, The Vanishing Act finds a slew of off-color characters at odds with art, fame, magic, and history in the making. 

This wonderful series has two complete seasons ready for you to listen to now, wherever you find your podcasts. And coming sooner than you probably might think? A crossover episode between our two shows! This Sunday we’ll be releasing Forgive The Vanishing Act, a bonus episode written by our friends Ian Geers and Lauren Grace Thompson, set after the events of both shows’ second seasons.

If you’re already a fan of The Vanishing Act, tune in to see how on earth Father Ben finds himself in contact with the vanishing box, and what help he has to offer them. If not? Go subscribe to their feed and catch up!

Right now, check out the trailer for their first season. We promise you, this is a show you’re going to love.

(SOUND: Vanishing Act Theme, mischievous and upbeat)

NARRATOR: Paris, 1699! A time of civil unrest, non-hair related Salons, and the most innovative stage magic ever seen in a union house! 

DE BOUR: I don’t know if you can tell, but the excitement is palpable out there. Historically, no one’s seen anything like this. In 1699, I mean.

(SOUND: Cheers from a crowd, gasps of surprise, applause. Music stops.)

NARRATOR: That is… until it wasn’t.

(SOUND: A great crash. The theatre being destroyed)

DE BOUR: (alarmed, yelling above the destruction): Goddammit, I don’t want to die, I have a reservation tonight!!!

(SOUND: Everything abruptly stops, almost as if they...vanished.)

NARRATOR: Which brings us to now. 

(MUSIC: TVA Theme kicks back in)

NARRATOR: Berlin. 1933. A time of more civil unrest, artistic pretensions, and rising evil where a self-involved set designer - 

AUGIE: You see these? These are Lemarque’s own original notes on the Vanishing Box. My most prized possessions in the world. 

NARRATOR: An American Conman - 

GRIFFSON: I’ll even lend you a cape - 

AUGIE: You have a cape?

GRIFFSON: I have a sheet! 

NARRATOR: And a mysterious scientist - 

AUGIE: Where was it you went to school again?

LILITH: We can’t speak its name!

NARRATOR: Ignore their history in pursuit of the mystery behind - 

AUGIE: The Vanishing Box -

LEMARQUE: The Vanishing Box - 

MISHA: Vanishing Box - 

RUDYARD: Vanishing Box - 

PICQUART: Vanishing Box- 

NARRATOR: The Vanishing Act. A Rambling Absurdity in 12 parts. Coming this Summer. 

(SOUND: Music ends. And then:)

AUGIE: The show’s about Lemarque’s Vanishing Box, I remade Lemarque’s Vanishing Box. Nothing could go wrong. Alright? Alright. Punch it!

(MUSIC: Sound of a film reel running out.)