Episode transcript - “Forgive st. kilda”

[MUSIC: An alternate version of the Forgive Me theme song plays.]

ADAM RAYMONDA: Forgive St. Kilda at Forgive Me! & The Secret of St. Kilda crossover.



[SFX: We open on the church parking lot. Cormac sits on a bench looking across to the bowling alley in the late afternoon. There's the odd gust of wind and a light drizzle. He tries to light a cigarette. Tchack. Tchack. It sputters. He grumbles slightly. Just another bloody thing. We rack focus to see Fr. Ben watching from the door. He yells out into the wet air.]

FR. BEN: You can come inside, won't hurt.

CORMAC: Ach. It might, not tested it.

[SFX: Fr. Ben continues to watch for a moment. The cigarette won't light. Well, this is what he signed up for. He ducks back inside, puts on a jacket and pulls out an umbrella. He splashes back out.]

CORMAC: You needn't have come out father. You'll catch your death.

FR. BEN: Ah. But isn't that the point.

CORMAC: Tch. Since yer here. A light?

FR. BEN: Sorry, left the candle lighter in the sacristy. One less cigarette is good for you anyways.

[SFX: Cormac hesitates, and then abandons the cigarette.]

CORMAC: Aye. I'm quittin before the wee one arrives anyway, father. 

FR. BEN: Congratulations...father.

CORMAC: (wryly) That'll be two of us.

[SFX: They sit in pensive silence for a little longer.]

FR. BEN: You sure you'd rather not do this inside?

CORMAC: I'm not sure what you're talking about

FR. BEN: I can sense a lapsed Catholic, always had a nose for it. That and prosciutto.

CORMAC: I'm not part of yer flock. No offense.

FR. BEN: None taken. So you're here because...

CORMAC: I was going to go bowling.

FR. BEN: Another reason not to smoke.

[SFX: They pause again.]

CORMAC: I should be getting on. Long way to go back to the wife.

FR. BEN: Not to overstep but, are you sure you don't want to talk about it?

CORMAC: Aye Father. It's been, oi. A while since my last confession.

FR. BEN: Come on then.

[SFX: Fr. Ben stands up and makes towards the doors.]

CORMAC: I'm uh, no longer with...God. Or your one, I guess.

FR. BEN: Yet, here's where you find yourself. Funny that. Maybe yours and mine both have a sense of humor.

CORMAC: (hng ugh) Yeah.

[SFX: They tromp inside. Cormac just throws the cigarette packet in a nearby bin.]

FR. BEN: Would you like the booth?

CORMAC: Yeah, traditional.

FR. BEN: Whatever helps.

[SFX: Each man shuffles into their side of the booth.]

CORMAC: In the name of the father, the son and the holy ghost

FR. BEN: In the name of the father the son and the holy spirit

[SFX: There's a moment of strained silence.]

CORMAC: Dubrach help us.

FR. BEN: What's that?

CORMAC: Cormac. McCarthy.

FR. BEN: Nice to meet you, Cormac. I'm Ben. Where should we begin?

CORMAC: With the baby.

FR. BEN: Huh. What is it about the baby?

CORMAC: Agh. Uh the baby. Cassie. Bless her.

FR. BEN: I see, what is it we're feeling?

CORMAC: Dread.

FR. BEN: Becoming a father is a big responsibility.

CORMAC: Cassie, my wife, she says she's the size of a grapefruit. Can you imagine?

FR. BEN: Sounds... vulnerable?

CORMAC: Dubrach yes. You ever seen a lambing?

FR. BEN: Like a sheep on a farm? No, though we had an issue with a pig here once.

CORMAC: God help you, no one understands how big they get.

FR. BEN: So I hear. So a lambing?

CORMAC: Sheep are good. Know their place. Trust that when the ram leads, they can just follow blindly. A shepherd barely has to do anything if they trust each other. They stick together, like they know when it's going to hail or when the grasses are going to wilt.

FR. BEN: I see, what about that speaks to you?

CORMAC: They have it so easy. The bastards. Sorry Father.

FR. BEN: It happens.

CORMAC: They just keep their head down, do as they're told and it all works out alright.

FR. BEN: You envy them?

CORMAC: I mean until the muttoning.

FR. BEN: The difficulty of being livestock. So are you the sheep or the shepherd in this metaphor?

CORMAC: I don't know. I think they're like us though, all's the same until lambing. I can tell it's going to happen long before they can I think. It's the restlessness. They paw at the ground.

FR. BEN: Run away from the group?

CORMAC: Aye. Though not sure many make it to the americas. It's like they know to be scared. Worried.

FR. BEN: Worried about?

CORMAC: Wolves. Or, the cold. Or. (he pauses while trying to decide if to get so close to the truth) Or or you know the sickness?

FR. BEN: Is your child sick, Cormac?

CORMAC: Not yet. But, sometimes the lambs their born with the water-mouth, a horrible dribble where they wont close properly,  they don't feed right and if you do it yourself, they just choke on it.  and.. there's a blankness to em? They never really come right. It's better to... forgive me... get it over with.

FR. BEN: You're asking a Catholic about whether such a lamb should be born at all...

CORMAC: I know, I know, there's a party line Father, but man to man…

FR. BEN: Father to father?

CORMAC: If you like.

FR. BEN: Are you sure, this ...lamb is going to struggle.

CORMAC: Cassie's sick. I knew it when I married her, but I didn't care. It was worth it. and I knew she'd have to continue the blood at some point

FR. BEN: She wants a child?

CORMAC: Needs one. The... they tell us, she'll be sick for her whole life.

FR. BEN: You don't believe them?

CORMAC: I can't give up on Andromeda!

FR. BEN: Andromeda?

CORMAC: (he smiles wistfully) Yeah...more beautiful than the whole sea, cut out in little stars.

FR. BEN: It's a good name.

CORMAC: I already love her. That's the problem.

[SFX: He sighs and puts his head back against the booth.]

FR. BEN: You want to save her.

CORMAC: Isn't that how it goes, that he loved the world so much he gave his only son... I'd burn it to save her, that's how much I love her.

FR. BEN: Sounds like a father to me. You don't trust her to be strong enough to cope with it. You can make her strong though.

CORMAC: Can I? Do you think it's right though? To bring her here just to suffer.

FR. BEN: I can't answer that for you.

CORMAC: Yeah yeah... following the rules. (he blows out a long breath) Dubrach’s eyes it makes me want to smoke

FR. BEN: Not in here. Please.

CORMAC: Would you bring a child in here if you knew it'd make them miserable? Do you think the faith is worth it?

FR. BEN: Is the baby allergic to holy ground?

CORMAC: I'll ask Cassie to check.

FR. BEN: Honestly. Off the record?

CORMAC: I'm not wearing a wire, father.

FR. BEN: I'd like to think that'd I'd give them the choice. Faith is personal and I think we decide how much we put in.

CORMAC: Sounds like bullshit father.

FR. BEN: What do you think I should say?

CORMAC: There's no lengths to which we shouldn't go for them.

FR. BEN: Sacrifice. Very old testament of you.

CORMAC: Pretty sure it's in the bible.

FR. BEN: Do you know about Tamar?

CORMAC: Not sure we cover that in our Sunday school.

FR. BEN: Whatever that might be.

CORMAC: I'm not an evangelist father

FR. BEN: Mmm. Tamar was a young woman. You remind me of her in a way.

CORMAC: I'm not going to like this am I?

FR. BEN: Hold on to that thought. Tamar was the daughter in law of Judah - brother of the Joseph with the coat.

CORMAC: Ah, right. Yes, yeah. I know the one.

FR. BEN: Anyway, Tamar wanted a child. The bible says Judah's son, her first husband, Er, was wicked. He was uh, dealt with, old testament style.

CORMAC: Ouch. Pew.

FR. BEN: Not specified, but the second son Onan. The same thing.


FR. BEN: Indeed. There's a third son, Shelah.

CORMAC: Not bloody likely.

FR. BEN: Exactly. Judah blames the woman, Tamar. And sends her away, childless and alone.

CORMAC: Poor Tammy. Cassie would have a field day with this.

FR. BEN: Not the point, but Tamar realizes that to fulfill her duty and give herself a child she has to play outside the rules.

CORMAC: How far outside?

FR. BEN: Pretty far. When Tamar gets pregnant and refuses to name the father they begin burning her.

CORMAC: Alive? With the baby?

FR. BEN: Alive. With her babies. It's twins. And at first, Judah is sort of… (sighs) jazzed about the whole thing? In his mind, now he's got no more Tamar problem.

CORMAC: Dark. She survives?

FR. BEN: Judah has a change of heart, saves her at the last moment, not even riding but running barefoot across the desert to stop it. Her twins Perez and Zerah are born. And they become the ancestors of the messiah.

CORMAC: Or so they say

FR. BEN: Depending on who you ask.

CORMAC: And am I Tammy in this?

FR. BEN: What do you think?

CORMAC: That I'm going to be a dad. And I can watch it burn or I can go haring across the desert and do whatever I can.

FR. BEN: You know that sounds, exactly the same as what you said when you came in here.

CORMAC: Eh. I'm a stubborn bastard.

FR. BEN: A stubborn dad.

CORMAC: Just like the ram eh? I'm going to be a dad. (disbelief) I'm going to be a dad. (STRESS)

FR. BEN: Congratulations.

CORMAC: I'm going to throw up.

[SFX: The door to the confession booth slams open as Fr. Ben yells out.]

FR. BEN: Not in the booth! Father Klem! Code Green! Get the bucket!

FR. KLEM: Ein Bucket comin up!

CORMAC: Who the fuck is that

FR. BEN: My...colleague.

CORMAC: (unwell) Christ Father. I'd drown myself.

FR. BEN: He's not so bad.

FR. KLEM: The bucket!

FR. BEN: Breathe. Breathe.

FR. KLEM: No vomit in the booth! You'll make Benji faint!

CORMAC: I'm not! I'm fine, I'm fine!

FR. KLEM: You sure?

CORMAC: (suddenly aggro) What would you know you tulip munching hack eyed cretin!?

FR. KLEM: (what?) Guteness. You're lucky I've just eaten or I'd kick you out myself.

FR. BEN: Hey! Both of you.

CORMAC: Sorry Father, and sorry Father.

FR. KLEM: I forgive you. (shrug) Plus, kicking you sounds like a rather lot of effort. 

CORMAC: Yeah. Sorry again, I'm sure you're gas.

FR. KLEM: Now wait a minute, if anyone here is full of gas, it's Father Prosciutto over here.

FR. BEN: Sounds like the session is over anyway. Thank you Father Klem.

CORMAC: Here's your bucket.

FR. KLEM: No issue. See you on Sunday. Or at this week's spaghetti dinner?

CORMAC: Ah, no. I'll take my exit now before I say anything else.

[SFX: He brushes himself off and goes to leave.]

FR. BEN: You have to have a thick skin in this town.

CORMAC: Aye. Still, I should get back.

FR. BEN: Right. I'm sure Andromeda will be fine.

CORMAC: The rain's stopped.

FR. BEN: And if not, she's got you looking out for her.

CORMAC: I'd burn the world eh?

FR. BEN: Metaphorically. I'll pray for her.

CORMAC: Probably best not.

FR. BEN: Understood. I can still pray for you?

CORMAC: You know what, if it's good enough for Tammy, it can't hurt. See ya Father. Tell your colleague I didn't mean it.

FR. BEN: I will.

CORMAC: Bye Father.

FR. BEN: Bye Father.

[SFX: He walks off as Father Klem arrives with the bucket.]

FR. KLEM: Needs washing. Good confession?

FR. BEN: Hard to tell. He's becoming a father, but feeling conflicted about it.

FR. KLEM: Sounds familiar. Welcome the void.

FR. BEN: I used Tamar and Judah.

FR. KLEM: You told him about... the staff and belt?

FR. BEN: Funnily enough I thought Tamar tricking her own father in law into bed didn't support the message.

FR. KLEM: Funny old book isn't it? I'm sure whatever you told him was what he needed to hear, and if it wasn't I'm sure they ignore it anyway. Vundabah.

FR. BEN: And also with you.

FR. KLEM: Right. Enough of this. I have to pray the rosary. Don't burn the place down.

FR. BEN: Too much talk of burning things down. (pause) I hope he doesn't. He wouldn't. It'll all turn out for the best I'm sure… (pause) I have faith.

[SFX: A hymnal raises behind the voices and Fr. Ben stands in the door.]

[SFX: We hear the radio click and the hymnals click off and we're in the car with Cormac. The car is now audible as he rockets away from the church and the strange little town.]

CORMAC: Fuck. What a weird place. Though, spose I'm one to talk. Ah Cormac, you're going ta be a daddy. Can ya believe it.

[SFX: Theres a pause as the world whips by the world of the car.]

CORMAC: What would tammy do. What would tammy do....

He pauses decisively, sucking his teeth with his arm lazily controlling the steering wheel.

CORMAC: Dear Dubrach. I'm far from home. But I believe you're listenin. In the shadows, in the secrets of the confessions booth... and you know what. My baby's coming! Andromeda's coming! She's coming for you! And you better do right by her? You hear?!

[SFX: He laughs to himself, and then becomes serious, putting both hands on the wheel and grasping hard.]

CORMAC: Because I swear to every drop of life in my body, that if you don't save her, then hear this, I'll make a deal with whoever can.

[SFX: He looks straight down the barrel. Metaphorically.]

CORMAC: And I'll burn it all down to do it.

[MUSIC: The Secret of St. Kilda credits music begins to play.]

NAOMI CLARKE: The Secret of St. Kilda is written by Naomi Clarke and created by Michael Ireland.

ADAM: Forgive Me! is a Rogue Dialogue Production that was created by Jack Marone and Bob Raymonda.

Here's our cast in order of appearance:

Rhys Lawton as Cormac

Casey Callaghan as Father Ben

And Josh Rubino as Father Klem

Dialogue editing by Bob Raymonda.

Sound design, score, and mixing by me, Adam Raymonda.

The Secret of St. Kilda credits music by Shane Rutherfoord-Jones.

The Forgive Me! logo was designed by Sam Twardy.

And Scott McCartney designed the Secret of St. Kilda logo.

NAOMI: The Secret of St. Kilda is a supernatural thriller audio drama that asks, how far would you go to be forgiven?

ADAM: Forgive Me is a slice of life comedic audio drama that tells you exactly where to go to be forgiven. The show is a part of the Fable and Folly Network.

NAOMI: The Secret of St. Kilda is also a member of the Fable and Folly work. Thanks for having us and we'll see you on Saint Kilda…

ADAM: Or maybe we'll see you in the booth sometime. Bye!