Episode transcript - “Confessions by usher Part II”

[MUSIC: The Forgive Me theme song plays.]

ADAM RAYMONDA: Forgive Me! Confessions By Usher Part II

[SFX: The curtain into the confession opens and closes as Meredith enters, sitting down.]

[MUSIC: Regular forgive me theme but you can throw some R&B stank on it if you want, Adam]

[SFX: Ben sits up from his desk and walks across his office to open the door. After leaving the office we hear a louder echo in his steps as he enters the Narthex.]

FR. BEN: (Humming to himself)

ADAM: Hey Father! 

FR. BEN: Hey Adam! What are you doing here?

ADAM: Just dropping back off the AV equipment from the church Supe…

FR. BEN: (panicked correction) Big game.

ADAM: Right! Sorry yes, the big game party. Can’t have the American Football Company suing the church.

FR. BEN: (chuckles) We really can’t.

ADAM: Did you enjoy the game?

FR. BEN: It’s hard for me to care too much when the Buffalo Williams aren’t playing.

ADAM: I can’t blame ya there!

FR. BEN: I did love the halftime show, though.

ADAM: How could you not? 

FR. BEN: Anyway! I’m off to the confession booth. Are you coming by today?

ADAM: Not today but I know I should… maybe I’ll stop by one day soon.

FR. BEN: No pressure Adam, I’m here whenever makes sense for you.

ADAM: Thanks Father, see ya later!

FR. BEN: Bye Adam. (Begins walking again and lets out a sigh once he’s far enough away.) Here we go again, nobody waiting today.

[SFX: Screen opens and Ben sits down on his side of the booth. A few moments later you hear the church doors open in the distance from where Ben is seated. A phone rings.]

STEVE: (Picking up the phone right outside the confessional.) Hello? Yo, I'm in the booth. I'ma call you right back.

FR. BEN: (to himself) Oh boy, I knew this one was coming.

STEVE: (hangs up the phone and enters the booth.) Hello? 

FR. BEN: Hi Steve.


FR. BEN: Yo?

STEVE: I’m sorry. I ain’t seen you in a minute but… I got something to tell you.  

FR. BEN: Uh. I’m glad to hear it Steve, I’ve been wondering when you’d come here.

STEVE: I know this is something I gotta do but that don’t mean I want to.

FR. BEN: Steve, I hear that in this booth more often than you’d think.

STEVE: What?

FR. BEN: Confession. You’re anxious about confession?

STEVE: Yeah!

FR. BEN: Good, I mean not… good but it’s good you’re here. Anyway you’re in the right place, where you need to be right now.


FR. BEN: Look Steve. What I mean to say is… I don’t know what’s going on and, of course, I was disappointed in your recent actions but confession is always here for anyone who seeks it out.

STEVE: This by far is the hardest thing I think I've ever had to do. To tell… you.

FR. BEN: Confession can be a massive weight, I’m glad you were brave enough to come today. 

STEVE: Yeah?

FR. BEN: (comforting) Yeah Steve, I mean it. Why don’t we begin? Just rip the band-aid off. how long has it been since your last confession?

STEVE: (thinking back) It’s been… some years now.

FR. BEN: (reflective) I guess it has, feels like just yesterday you were telling me all the things you were doing for your fellow doorkeepers.

STEVE: Usher.

FR. BEN: Usher? 

STEVE: Usher.

FR. BEN: Right, sorry. Anyway, that's a long time.

STEVE: Yeah. And It's been going on so long, I just want to confess.

FR. BEN: No reason to delay then Steve, feel free to begin.

STEVE: Brace yourself, it ain't good.

FR. BEN: Steve, I sincerely hope you came here to confess to what you did in the parking lot. I don’t want to complain to you, but that’s really put me out these last two weeks. I have fielded calls from parishioners with interests on both sides, the local city government, you’ve even got niche media outlets involved… it’s been a lot.

STEVE: (clears his throat) Ahem.

FR. BEN: (annoyed) What?

STEVE: These are my confessions.

FR. BEN: (composing himself) Crap. You’re right. I’m sorry to make this about me, it’s just been a long few weeks.

STEVE: Listen, I know it’s unfair to you, I’ve been doing you so wrong. I hope you can accept the fact that I'm man enough to tell you this

FR. BEN: (Not sure how to respond) Uh… Thanks for saying that? Why don’t you go ahead and talk about why you did it?

STEVE: You know, there’s always that one person who will always have your heart.

FR. BEN: Like a long-lost lover?

STEVE: Ohhhh no no, no no no no no no no no no no.

FR. BEN: Then like what?

[SFX: Sound of a crowd roaring cameras flashing.]

STEVE: A superstar…

FR. BEN: Ok this actually explains a lot. But I don’t know about a superstar… how did you even develop this… love?

STEVE: (sighs wistfully) Front row, there I am. Spotlights, big stage. 

FR. BEN: Ok hold on a second.

STEVE: What?

FR. BEN: You’re talking about the person you erected a large wooden statue of in the St. Patrick’s parking lot?

STEVE: Yeah that’s right. She’s reminiscent of a goddess.

FR. BEN: So you are talking about the Irish Catholic character actress, and Central New York native, Shiobhan Fallon Hogan?

STEVE: I don’t know what it is, this girl’s got a hold on me!

FR. BEN: I don’t think it’s really appropriate to call a woman in her 60s, girl. 

STEVE: I’m sorry.

FR. BEN: So you saw her at some big stage show?

STEVE: Whole world.

FR. BEN: Where?

STEVE: Whole world

FR. BEN: Wait are you saying you saw her at the world premiere of the movie adaptation of Holes?

STEVE: Yeah! 

FR. BEN: She played Stanley’s mom, didn’t she?

STEVE: Yeah! 

FR. BEN: I thought so! I haven't seen that in years. Anyway, you saw her at this premiere, what happened?

STEVE: I’m a kid, thirteen, jumping and hollering waving both hands… and… she smiled at me.

FR. BEN: She saw you on the red carpet?

STEVE: Spinning in the crowd, she saw me. She said… “What is your name?” All my life, I've never had a loss for words.

FR. BEN: You froze?

STEVE: I don't wanna say the wrong thing, I wanna use the right words to impress but… it seems she got me twisted.

FR. BEN: So what, did she walk away?

STEVE: Yeah. It was beautiful… I thought, please stay, don’t go but I said all I could say.

FR. BEN: I’m sorry Steve, so you’ve been harboring this crush for years?

STEVE: Love.

FR. BEN: Right, love.

STEVE: Honey got my head spinning round for real. I’m losing control, this woman has got a hold on me.

FR. BEN: So that’s why you made the statue?

STEVE: I want her, I’ll do anything for love.

FR. BEN: And what? You thought because she’s a notable Irish Catholic she’d appreciate you making a shrine in her honor in a parking lot?

STEVE: She's all up in my head now, got me thinking. That it might be a good idea.

FR. BEN: Shiobhan’s been married for decades Steve, she and her husband have adult children.

STEVE:  Now listen, deep down, you know it's best for yourself, but hate the thought of her bein' with someone else.

FR. BEN: You were hoping to break up their marriage?

STEVE: I wanna make it clear. So there's no misunderstandings. That I get what I want. It’s only a matter of time.

FR. BEN: Jesus Steve, that’s pretty messed up.

STEVE: If I’m gonna tell it then I gotta tell it all.

FR. BEN: That’s fair Steve, I’m not here to judge. I just want to express the seriousness of what you’re implying. Not to mention the approach you’re taking being a bit… discomforting.

STEVE: I’m so throwed, I don’t know what to do. Sitting here, stuck on stupid, tryin' to figure out.

FR. BEN: You’re not stupid Steve, just… misguided. You’re putting this person you don’t know on a literal pedestal. You need to recognize just because you’ve met them, you don’t truly know them. It’s great you appreciate Mrs. Fallon Hogan’s work but it’s really not fair to her or yourself to take this extreme of an interest in her. It’s time you let yourself move past this feeling.

STEVE:  It ain't gon' be easy. But… yeah… I need to stop thinkin', contemplatin'. Be a man and get it over with, over with.

FR. BEN: Not sure you need to assign masculinity to having emotional growth, but honestly Steve whatever works.

STEVE: We’ve reached the climax.

FR. BEN: Of this confession?

STEVE: Yeah.

FR. BEN: (chuckles) I guess we have, which brings us to the main concern. You know it’s a pretty fundamentally major sin to create false idols in places of worship?

STEVE: I’m sorry, If I could turn back the hands of time and start all over, I would. Instead of everything being all bad, everything'll be all good.

FR. BEN: I’m glad you’re remorseful for that as well. And beyond the Lord's confession, I forgive you too, Steve.

STEVE: I feel like this... is comin' to an end. And it's better for me to... let it go now. Than hold on and hurt you.

FR. BEN: That’s great, I’m proud of you. Now, for penance, I’d like your support in removing the statue. It’s pretty large, do you have any ideas?

STEVE: I think you should let it burn.

FR. BEN:  I think the church has had enough fires for one year, Steve. Could you just help me tear it down?

STEVE: Yeah!

FR. BEN: Great then let's say the act of contrition. 

STEVE: Alright…

[MUSIC: Small musical interlude.]

FR. BEN: Thanks for coming in, Steve. I’m glad we can work through this. Looking forward to seeing you Saturday to tear this down. I’ll give you a ring in the morning…

STEVE: It’s ok… you don’t have to call.

FR. BEN: You sure you’re good?

STEVE: I’ma be alright, Father.

FR. BEN: Ok have a good night then. Any plans?

STEVE: I’m gonna do what any single man does… and that’s party.

FR. BEN: Have fun with that Steve, I’ll be here if ya need me.

[MUSIC: Forgive Me! End credits music begins to play.]

ADAM: Forgive Me! is a Rogue Dialogue production. This episode was written and directed by Jack Marone and Bob Raymonda 

Here’s our cast in order of appearance: 
Casey Callaghan as Father Ben
Adam Raymonda as Adam
Jack Marone as Steve 

Dialogue editing by Bob Raymonda.

Sound design, score, and mixing by me, Adam Raymonda.

All of the graphic design comes from Sam Twardy.

Season three of Forgive Me! would not be the same without our Executive Producer Curtis Dibrell Jr. 

Find out what we’re up to by following @forgivemeshow on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

We seriously cannot thank all of our supporters on Indiegogo and Patreon enough for their support. It is what makes the production of these episodes possible. If you’re just finding us and would like to show your support, check out patreon.com/roguedialogue

We are so excited for some episodes that we have coming up, it’s a series of crossovers that we know you’re going to love .

That’s it for now. See you back here soon. Bye!